

英语9上4单元作文 第1篇

10. devote to do sth 致力于干../ devote oneself to (介词)

11. because of 因为+词或短语。/because +句子

12. in one’s spare time 在空余时间

13. it’s said/ reported/supposed/believed that 据说/报导/推测/人们相信…..

英语9上4单元作文 第2篇

an accident 发生事故ask: What happened to sb./sth.?

care of 照顾=look after

sb ( not ) to do sth 提醒某人(不)干某事

warn sb. against doing sth. 提醒某人不干某事

4. there ‘s something wrong with …有毛病

sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事=

keep sb. from doing sth.=prevent sb. from doing

of sb./sth. 代替某人/某物。(是介词短语)

,long ago 很久以前=long before.

careful 小心=take care = look out

英语9上4单元作文 第3篇

13. on/at the edge of 在…边沿

I watched “Gone with the Wind” during my winter school break. It’s an old classic movie and I like it very much. I especially Scarlett O’Hara, a strong willed Southern girl, who。

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